The Virtual Memories Show

Writer and cultural critic Darryl Pinckney joins the show to celebrate the new edition of Blackballed: The Black Vote and US Democracy (NYRB) and the paperback of Busted in New York and Other Essays (Picador). We talk about revisiting his Obama-era writings in the post-2016 world, the importance of the vote and the question of whether there's a Black vote, or Black voters. We discuss his surprise at the persistence of makeup of the BLM protests, his place in the historical chain and the moment he felt out of touch, and his history at the New York Review of Books and its roots in the anti-Vietnam War movement. We also get into the fractured relationship between Jews and Blacks (following their close ties during the civil rights movement), the companionship of books during the pandemic, the commodification of the arts, the memoir he's working on about Elizabeth Hardwick and 1970s NYC, and more, including an image I've pondered for years: Jesse Jackson's tears the night of Obama's election in 2008. Follow Darryl at the New York Review of Books • More info at our site • Support The Virtual Memories Show via Patreon or Paypal

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