Wed, 12 September 2012
Guest Boaz Roth talks about rebuilding his library after a house fire, the joys of Bleak House, the influence of Orwell's essay, Inside the Whale, superhero movies, the merits of Lost, and what he's learned over 18 years of teaching literature.
Direct download: Season_2_Episode_11_-_Fire_and_Bleak_House.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:33pm EDT |
Wed, 5 September 2012
Guest Lyn Ballard talks about her gateway books, the metaphysical poets, reading Huck Finn at the age of 5, an embarrassing Stanley Elkin anecdote, the importance of making literary pilgrimages, and more.
Direct download: Season_2_Episode_10_-_Four_Quartets_and_Other_Pilgrimages.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:53am EDT |